

Thank YOU for attending the 40th Let’s Talk Adoption Conference!

We celebrate and thank those who made this conference happen:

· Our keynote speaker and presenters: Debbie Riley, Rebecca Gallese, Sophia Gardner, Stefani Moon and Melissa Sadin – thank you for sharing their knowledge and expertise!

· Our volunteers – Rebecca, Mark, Amy, Dana, Deborah, Carolyn, Janet, Anna Marie, Ron, Wendy, Tatum, Stuart, Rodrenae and Maryanne.

· Our co-sponsors - The Office of Continuing Education, School of Social Work, Rutgers University and the Adoption Agency Council of New Jersey.

The Let’s Talk Adoption Conference Team


CPFA awards the 2023 Lynne Witkin Scholarship to
Meryl Kurland

We are happy to announce that Meryl Kurland is the winner of the 2023 Lynne Witkin/CPFA scholarship. Meryl will begin her MSW program at Montclair State University this fall with a concentration on Children and Families. Although she began her undergraduate program in education, she quickly realized she was interested in Child Advocacy and Social Justice, and changed her major to social work. Meryl's dedication to child advocacy is evidenced by her volunteering as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) in New Jersey. We wish her all the best in this worthy pursuit.
Congratulations, Meryl!
About Concerned Persons for Adoption (CPFA)

CPFA is a non-profit organization in the state of NJ dedicated to the belief that every child deserves a family. CPFA is not an adoption agency, but an all-volunteer organization working to support those who wish to adopt, and to provide educational and networking resources to everyone in the adoption community. Visit our website at www.cpfanj.org. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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