Join Us for the 7TH AnnualConcerned Persons for
Adoption (CPFA) Mini-Conference
For Parents and Kids (ages 7-13)
October 13, 2018: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
(Doors open at 8:30 AM for registration and
light breakfast)
West Orange Presbyterian
Center 20 Old Indian Road, West
Orange, NJ 07052
Our half day series of workshops are open to pre-adoptive parents, adoptive
parents, foster parents, foster children and adoptees.
Topics include:
Staying the Course: The Importance of
Emotional Regulation for Adoptive and Foster Families
The Adopted Child’s Journey – Questions
along the Way
Pawsitive Involvement with Animals
Get your Child’s Brain Charged and
ready! Using a Mind Body Approach
“Can we Talk?” Parents Only Discussion
Empowering the Adopted Child and Teen
I Wish My Parents Understood – Kids
Thoughts on Adoption
Self-Esteem Boost and More!
This fee will entitle your family to a
year of CPFA membership.
Visit Conference Brochure for more information Space is limited so please register now at Conference Registration
FREE for current CPFA members, $25 fee per family
for non-members.*
To print the CPFA Mini Conference Flyer click hereTo print the CPFA Mini Conference Brochure click here *The conference includes a continental breakfast. A light lunch/networking
session will be offered at the end of the workshops to meet and speak with professionals
and other parents and adoptees on a more intimate level. A pizza lunch will be
offered at a minimal cost. For more information please contact
Carolyn Bosa, Conference Coordinator at [email protected].